Having read the brief I thought about my practice and an area of it that I would like to improve on while also creating my own collection of work to be formatted into a book at a later date. I looked through all the photos I have taken in the past year and realised they all focused around people and that this is something I want to continue to work with.
At the end of the first year I did a project based around the definition of a portrait and wether or not snapshots can be deemed as portraits. After coming to a few conclusions I feel I have somewhat of a definition of a portrait in my head and this it what I would like to work with. As previously mentioned the past project was based more around snapshots, however this time I want to focus on more controlled environments and even take things into a studio scenario. This way I can improve my knowledge in relation to the use of studio lighting, lighting effects, the use of different lenses and cameras etc. Through this I hope to develop my technical skills while also collecting a series of portraits that I feel truly represent the given subjects.