Booklet Testing
After the crit I looked into square booklets and tried different sizes, it was deemed that the middle and right booklets were too small and that the 14cm square booklets were the perfect handheld size but could still show the images at an appropriate size. Furthermore by making folded booklets it meant that I could show images side by side, although this went against my previous idea of showing each one separately I feel it does help in giving more of a feel for each person. It is also important to remember that each person has their own book and so I feel that they are personal enough in themselves.
Once I had decided on this I looked at paper types and narrowed it down to the two shown below, one was slightly thinner but with a much nicer texture (left) while the second was thicker and very glossy (right). Due to my own personal preference and the response of my peers it was deemed that the textured paper, though thinner, was more appropriate for the style of work I was presenting and the work that I normally do. Now I had made these decisions I could make the full collection of booklets and apply the sleeve to a square design.