This was the first booklet and evidently the simplest, I chose to prepare the book in the same way as you would with Japanese binding but decided to sew two loops through the book, this was much quicker and gives a simpler look. The downside of this is that due to the way the book opens you have to really pull the book apart to see the images and this is fairly impractical.
For this booklet I used the same method but turned it on its side, this was both to see how it would look but also as more of the images were landscape in orientation. This is slightly better but still suffers from the same problem, furthermore it means that the pictures that are portrait in orientation are printed much smaller.
Patrick and Alex
For these two booklets I used the same approach but decided to try opening them from the top, they are stapled and then covered with a fold of paper, ideally this would be japanese bound and then covered in bookrum for a much more polished look. Of the three types of binding I have tried these were definitely my favourite however they still suffer the criticism of not being able to be opened completely. Furthermore, opening the book from the bottom means that the faces of the subjects are hidden unless you really open the page fully, in retrospect I should have tested this bound at the bottom allowing the face to be the first thing seen.