Here you can see my initial design, a simple bow showing the eyes of each sitter separately but presented together. I focussed on the eyes as this is always thought to be a fundamental part of portraiture and thus vital in representing a person, on top of this I added very basic type to describe the project. My intentions were to keep the design as simple as possible, partially to in order to not distract from the images but also because I have a very limited knowledge of graphic design and layout.
Below are examples of my first idea, a sleeve that would simply slide over the booklets and contain them as a collection but was easily removable for viewing. This was a mock up and so produced on fairly flimsy card but was provided to give an overall impression of the sleeve and served only as an example.
My second presentation idea was an open box in which the books would sit with a cover sheet printed and laid on top. I was less interested in this idea from the start and felt that a box would be too fiddly and may get damaged or fall apart during the exhibition.
Although I had initially preferred the sleeve I decided to take both as examples to my final crit, this way I could get feedback on them and make an informed decision as opposed to deciding on my own.