I had decided on my final image and was encouraged to think about how large to print it, considering the size in a way that presents the image well but wasn't too big. Because of this I decided to print the image both A3 and A2 and frame them both up in order to try and make a more educated decision on framing as opposed to outright deciding. I came to the conclusion that the A3 image was too small and didn't do the photo justice, therefore I looked into ways of framing the A2 image. Below are two examples showing the photo simply stuck to white card and then shown mounted properly with a border and mountboard.

Initially I thought that first image would suffice but after mounting it properly I came to the conclusion that the mounted version looked far more professional and presented the image in more considered manor and was thus more appropriate for a portrait. I then set about cleaning the frame, lining up and mounting the image and framing it ready for the exhibition. Now this was completed I could spend the rest of my time evaluating the rest of the project and compiling my research ready for the hand in.
Set Up
Obviously the setting up and and actual exhibition clash somewhat with the deadline and so I thought it necessary to explain my role within it prior to the event. I have signed up to be a part of the curating team, I chose this as it is an area I am interested in and seems entirely relevant if I see myself partaking in and/or organising exhibitions at any point in the future. Furthermore I do have an interest in layout and the concept of a salon exhibition is essentially just this and so I feel it will be relevant to my practice and my own interests. On top of this I put myself forward to document the set up process and the opening night, again this is both something to benefit my practice and own interests. Also as somebody focusing on photography it seems paramount to take opportunities to wield my camera at every instance and so this seemed like the logical thing to do. Overall I am looking forward to the set up and opening of the exhibition but I realise that the final days leading up to it will be very stressful but also worth it in the long run.