Final Piece

During the recent crit I was asked what I had wanted to put up in the exhibition, being told that it was my chance to exhibit any piece of my own work to an audience and so to pick something that I feel represents my practice and is of a good quality. My initial response was that it should be a portrait and ideally an image that shows my technical skills. I looked back to some photos I took at the end of last year in Sweden and found a few that I feel are strong portraits but also show the visual style that I am developing that I feel is overall different from the style of pictures I have taken in this project which I feel are somewhat forced.
Other examples I have are taken from a New Years trip to Edinburgh, they were taken fairly casually throughout the trip and in the much more natural way that I tend to take photos and again I feel that I have captured the subjects as they were in a much more comfortable environment.
Below are the 5 images that I will present at the final crit to discuss about using, my intentions are to scan all of these files at a high resolution before then so I can go about printing them as soon as possible once I have decided. I feel that the images of James and Patrick could be shown as a pair but this is debatable, furthermore the overall presentation and framing of my images is not something I've yet thought about.
I feel at this point that I should mention that the photo of Joe at Arthur's seat on New Year's Day is my personal favourite, partially as I feel that it has achieved what I have wanted to throughout this project and captured the person as they were at the time but also as I feel that aesthetically it is one of the strongest images.

James - Sweden

Patrick - Sweden

Simon - Edinburgh

Callum - Edinburgh

Joe - Edinburgh