Other examples I have are taken from a New Years trip to Edinburgh, they were taken fairly casually throughout the trip and in the much more natural way that I tend to take photos and again I feel that I have captured the subjects as they were in a much more comfortable environment.
Below are the 5 images that I will present at the final crit to discuss about using, my intentions are to scan all of these files at a high resolution before then so I can go about printing them as soon as possible once I have decided. I feel that the images of James and Patrick could be shown as a pair but this is debatable, furthermore the overall presentation and framing of my images is not something I've yet thought about.
I feel at this point that I should mention that the photo of Joe at Arthur's seat on New Year's Day is my personal favourite, partially as I feel that it has achieved what I have wanted to throughout this project and captured the person as they were at the time but also as I feel that aesthetically it is one of the strongest images.
James - Sweden
Patrick - Sweden
Simon - Edinburgh
Callum - Edinburgh
Joe - Edinburgh