Film Vs Digital
Up until this point I had been shooting all my photos on film using a Contax G2 rangefinder and keeping my Olympus Pen digital camera in my camera bag as a back up camera, however the batteries ran out in the G2 during the following set of photos, because this the reaming photos for the project were shit digitally. I had been using film originally as I am more comfortable with it and the cameras I use it in, furthermore it is just a personal preference and the medium I would pick whenever given the choice. Despite this I found that using my digital camera was relatively straightforward and easy to use once I had overcome some software issues. In my opinion the last 3 sets of photos are somewhat lifeless in comparison and fairly boring in some respects but obviously the turn around on getting the photos back was instant, my biggest observation was that I checked almost every image as I took it to check it was okay, purely because I could and I wasn't sure if they would be. However as I have become so comfortable with film I don't feel the need to check each image and trust myself to envision what photos I have taken, regardless of this I feel that I learned a lot and using digital more often is something I will have to get used to as many clients will be likely to prefer it.